During a meeting with the Kampala Water (KW) Top management, the National Water and Sewerage Corporation’s Managing Director, Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha, discussed strategies to boost the fight against Non-Revenue Water (NRW) in the region.
NRW in the Kampala Water jurisdiction currently stands at 43.7%, contributing to the highest number of losses in the Corporation which simply calls for re-strategizing, hence the said meeting.
Dr. Eng. Mugisha in his address hinted on the fact that the high NRW in KW was affecting performance and overall achievement of targets.
Against that, he advised Top Management to focus on a number of key areas thus; Meter reading efficiency and integrity, Non-revenue water investigation Strategy (including illegal connections, meter tampering, and water leaks, identification and responses to leaks and bursts), Non-revenue water measurement strategy (including data collection, analysis and communication), Auditing Strategy including (Predictive and structured House-to-House operations), Technology Input characterised by Geographic Information System (GIS) inputs and lastly, Collaborative community participation in the fight against NRW.

The General Manager- KW, Eng. Mahmood Lutaaya made an assurance that the Kampala Water team would set targets to be met on a monthly basis over a six-month period through operational tools and tactics to fight NRW which has proven to be a thorn in the flesh of the region.
Written By: Sarah Nabasa