Water Herald


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Written by Joseph Mulinde

As a contribution to improved sanitation and hygiene for health maintenance and increased life-spans for the traders of Kamwenge Railway Station Market – Kamwenge Town Council, National Water and Sewerage Corporation-Kamwenge, has completed construction works of a 4-stance Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) Latrine at the Uganda Railway Corporation (URC) premises.

This project whose civil works were fully funded by NWSC has been implemented in collaboration with the Kamwenge Town Council who will manage the facility and URC which availed space on their premises. 

This latrine which is already operational will be officially commissioned on the 29th of August, 2022 by Hon. Eng. Cuthbert Mirembe Abigaba, the Kibale County MP. This is the third VIP Latrine that the NWSC-Kamwenge team has constructed in addition to the one serving pupils of St. Paul Primary School and the other serving East Ruwenzori Diocesan Mission Health Centre.

The Kamwenge team extended credit to the MD of URC, Mr. Stanley Sendegeya for ensuring the request for space was granted, Hon. Eng. Cuthbert Abigaba for the support, Town Clerk-Mr. Ronald Mugume for the coordination, NWSC MD & NWSC Top Management for availing the resources for this activity.

NWSC remains committed to Water and Sanitation for all.

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