Safe and sufficient drinking water still isn’t an issue to be taken for granted around the world. In developing countries, the provision of safe drinking water remains a difficult task and, the approach to solving water supply problems is not a matter of all-knowing! However, there is not much difference in water supply systems: Raw water must be pumped, treated if necessary, distributed and all system operations must be financed.
The African Water Association (AfWA) noted that there is a need for a new approach and new forms of lessons to be learned as well as global experiences to be shared and, the need to improve the performance of water utilities in Africa and beyond. AfWA also acknowledged the need to refine water and sanitation services to the African populations for sustainable development.
Based on this premise the National Water and Sewerage Corporation entered joint discussions with AfWA, German Water Partnership and other partners geared towards formulating logical frameworks to steer Partner Africa-Project.
This was done with the aim of; developing a common understanding of the project, objectives and scope, clarification of roles (ownership, project management structure, responsibilities for key activities), reflecting on sustainability; how to ensure that the center of excellence (AWASA) is successfully operational after the end of the project, Planning activities for the whole project period (until 11/2024), major milestones and defining concrete actions for the first year 2022 including a timeline and, clearly elaborating ideas about the project monitoring including both the project progress and its impacts.

Speaking at the launch (2.22.2022), the NWSC-MD, Dr. Eng Silver Mugisha observed that the infamous COVID-19 Pandemic has taught everyone to be agile and adaptive yet the water challenge in Africa is worsening. Noting that water coverage is still low in most countries. With that, he highlighted the need for better management of water and sewerage services in the continent.
‘Good leadership should be at the center of this academy and from the AfWA trajectory, competence oriented capacity building of institutions should be a nod for many other regional initiatives. The Africa Water and Sanitation Academy (AWSA) will be a hub for regional initiatives because it is very important to know what is happening and what might happen in other regions and different countries’, stated Dr Eng. Mugisha.
Some of the success factors affiliated to AWSA include; Set up a workable plan, build up a business plan, implementation of the partnership, Skills/ competition, Embedding the project with the country’s strategic political goals, defining competences and, clearly set roles.
Note the key stakeholders; AFWA/ AWASA, NWSC, Rwanda implementation partners, Senegal implementation partners, German water Partnership, BMZ, Political/ Governments Ministries, AFWA members, Active affiliates/ suppliers, USAID, ADB, AFD, Bill and Melinda Gates, KFW, GIZ, European Investment Development, Consumers/end beneficiaries.

Written By: Allan Mwesiga