Water Herald


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In utility management, particularly at the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC), the necessity of financial discipline and accountability cannot be overstated, and this is evident in the monthly reminders to customers to settle their bills promptly. Such diligent adherence to timely payment not only ensures the sustained operation of the corporation but also facilitates the allocation of resources towards crucial aspects of both water production and distribution. From maintaining infrastructure to investing in water treatment technologies, these financial contributions are utterly significant in safeguarding the delivery of clean drinking water, and sanitation services to communities.

However, amidst this external emphasis on responsibility, an internal reflection is warranted; are NWSC staff members themselves exemplifying the values they advocate?

Upon taking office as the General Manager of the Kampala Water region, Eng. Mahmood Lutaaya, took proactive measures to address this concern. Collaborating with Customer Relations Officers, Eng. Lutaaya initiated a directive: all NWSC staff must maintain a zero balance on their bills, monthly. To achieve this, accounts for staff were identified and categorized under Territory Q.

This strategic move was aimed at setting an example for external customers as well as instilling a culture of accountability within the very fabric of the corporation.

This bold initiative in a way reinforced the corporation’s internal stakeholder’s commitment to fiscal discipline and also sent a powerful message about the shared responsibility in upholding the integrity of utility services.

While this directive may seem stringent, it does align internal practices with what is expected of the external stakeholders. A *“Do not just preach the gospel, but be the gospel”* kind of thing, so to speak.

And with integrity at the core of NWSC’s code of ethics, leading by example is imperative to uphold the corporation’s reputation as a stronghold of reliability within the water utility sector, not just locally, but across the African continent.

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