Water Herald

The NWSC “in-house made” Hand Sanitizer Innovation

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When it comes to preventing the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19, nothing beats the good old-fashioned handwashing. However, if water and soap aren’t available, your next best option, is an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), that is.

Sales of hand sanitizer are skyrocketing due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), leading to rationing and price hikes, something that National Water has stayed ahead and on top of with its in-house made hand sanitizer.

The innovation started in April 2021 with the preparation of at least 30 batches, each with 300L of sanitizer making a total of 9000 litres.

The benefits of preparing our own sanitizer is the saving we make and the quality of sanitizer we are making. The instant hand sanitizer meets the UNBS standards (60-70%) other than the several counterfeits on the local market.


The team has gone ahead to brand and package the instant hand sanitizer. The product name is “KOSan” which stands for Kampala Water Sanitizer. This name has been registered and the product is also undergoing UNBS certification to obtain a Q mark.

The innovation that was exhibited during the recent Natural Resources Committee visit to the Katosi plant, registers its unit cost at 9000/= per liter. Making a total expenditure of
81,000,000/=. On the local market however, a liter of sanitizer is 40,000/= so the expenditure would be 360,000,000/=, projecting NWSC’s savings at 279,000,000/=, in the greater Kampala operation zones alone.

Written By: Sharon Gubamwoyo

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