Water Herald


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Found within Kamwenge Town Council-Kibaale County, Kitonzi ward’s piped water supply has been a myth due to altitude differences with the BPT found in Kaburishoke and therefore compelling the “dry zone” brand to the area.

Against that, National Water and Sewerage Corporation’s Kamwenge Area office engaged “Water for People” for collaborative assistance to have the water scarcity issue solved in the shortest time possible with NWSC taking up responsibility to acquire land for the both the booster station and reservoir site whereas “Water for People” catered to the rest.

The most recent progress report projected that land for both the booster station and reservoir have been acquired at zero cost after they were given to NWSC by the Diocese of East Rwenzori through Rt. Rev. George Turyasingura.

The report also showed that the 3-phase electricity upgrade is at 100% completion by Uganda Electricity Distribution Company Limited and, the sump is 90% complete, the booster/generator house is 99% complete.

Particularly, the expected tasks and deliverables affiliated to the Kitonzi Piped Water Supply project include; construction of Booster and Generator house at St. Paul Primary School, Pump installation at St. Paul Primary School, Sump construction at St. Paul Primary School, reservoir installation at Kitonzi hill, laying of Transmission and Distribution mains, mechanical and electrical works with the main objective of, solving the Kitonzi hill dry spell, improving water in Masaka Ward and other areas within Kamwenge Town Council as well as, improve Kamwenge Area’s Water sales and Billing.

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