Customer service, customer satisfaction and customer relationship management are marketing strategies that are used to create and effectively manage relationships between organisations and customers. Over the years, NWSC has progressively become customer centric and embraced customer driven initiatives to better its service delivery, which has greatly improved the corporation’s image.
Customer service strategies are (and continue to be) an important role in NWSC’s ability to generate revenue as, customers are crucial to the business’s sustainability hence the slogan, “The Customer is King”. Simply put, adequate customer care is paramount!
NWSC staff commence interaction with customers from the point of application for a water connection, to effecting a water connection, to bill issuance, and up to the point of revenue collection. This cycle repeats itself and even when faced with challenges, staff have to remain vigilant and consistent with the high levels of customer service that is expected from the customers.
The corporation scores its performance on customer satisfaction through customer satisfaction surveys, measuring its global performance with the help of six Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) thus; sales, billing, revenue, non-revenue water, arrears reduction and reduction of suppressed accounts. A positive correlation exists between each of these KPIs and customer satisfaction which means that the less satisfied the customers are, the more undesirable the KPI performance will be.
Alluding to the various customer affiliated awards the corporation has won globally, NWSC is a force to reckon with in regard to customer engagement and management.
NWSC remains committed to “Water for All”.
Written By: Samantha Mpuga