In the world of legal proceedings and customer engagement, there are moments that stand out as extraordinary. The week of September 25th to 29th, 2023, marked one such exceptional occasion, the Kampala Water Inaugural “Legal Aid Clinic Week”. Spearheaded by the Kampala Water (KW) Legal Department in collaboration with Water Loss Prevention Unit (WALOPU), this event aimed not only to address arrears stemming from WALOPU fines but also to rekindle a connection with customers who had remained off the supply grid since January.
Picture a bustling Legal Office on Sixth Street, abuzz with anticipation and determination. It was the center of a remarkable endeavor, bringing together legal experts, passionate teams, and a shared commitment to resolving long standing issues. The main objective? To bring stubborn customers, those who had been unresponsive to fine letters accompanied by fines totaling UGX. 2 million, back into the fold.
The numbers were staggering. A carefully selected pool of 489 accounts, carrying a weighty burden of 1.5 billion shillings in fines, awaited resolution. The challenge was not taken lightly, and the results would soon astonish everyone involved.
The commencement of the Legal Aid Clinic Week signaled the beginning of an intense and heartfelt engagement between the legal team and WALOPU and the reticent customers. This engagement extended beyond the confines of officialdom. It took the form of personal, face-to-face interactions and empathetic phone calls.
The impact was swift and significant. Over 1.5 million shillings were collected, underlining the effectiveness of this initiative. But the true measure of success lay in the stories of three customers who, after a long period of separation, were reconnected to the supply grid. Their renewed trust and rekindled connection spoke volumes about the dedication and perseverance of the teams involved.
KW Legal extends its warmest encouragement to all branches, urging them to direct customers burdened by fined arrears to Sixth Street. The promise is simple, swift and efficient resolution of their legal complaints. This collaborative effort would not have been possible without the unwavering support of KW Branches and Management. Your commitment to this cause is deeply appreciated.
In the larger scheme of things, KW Legal reaffirms its dedication to reducing arrears and fostering growth. The Legal Aid Clinic Week was more than just an event; it was a testament to the power of collaboration, empathy, and determination. It showcased how, in the realm of legal aid and customer relations, recovery, reconnection, and redemption are not mere words but tangible achievements.