Water Herald


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Availability of adequate sanitation services is one of the most significant development challenges experienced in the rapidly growing Kampala city. As per the most recently available data (2017) from the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 2.3 billion people around the world lack access to basic sanitation facilities such as toilets or latrines. 

Based on the median daily income in Kampala, majority in informal settlements have resorted to man made toilets which do not meet the minimum standards whereas others have opted for flying toilets (polythene bags) thus welcoming water borne diseases like cholera, diarrhea, Typhoid fever, Hepatitis A, Dysentery, Guinea worm disease, Cryptosporidiosis, among others.

 To better the situation and create a positively enabling environment, the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) embarked on the construction of 45 modern toilets both Ventilated Improved Pit Latrines and Flash toilets in schools and public places like markets, under the Kampala Water Lake Victoria WATSAN project package 5B.

The Contract Manager Kampala Water WATSAN Package 5B project, Ms. Mary Oyuru stated that these facilities are bound to address sanitation challenges that culminate diseases related to poor sanitation and hygiene in the benefiting communities. She added that it will also benefit schools like; Lubiri P/s, Mutundwe C/U, Namuwongo- Kisugu Market among others thus improving their standards of living.

Mr. Godfrey Ssejjemba, the contractor from VAMBECO noted that the facility will comprise of urinal section, bathrooms, seat toilets for disabled, for both female and male. Hand washing areas, a rump and stares will be included as well.

NWSC is committed to Sanitation and hygiene for all.

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