Water Herald


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The Area Manager, Mr. Fred Busingye, along with the Area Engineer, recently inspected the ongoing works in Gulu City. 

Notably, the National Water and Sewerage Corporation-Gulu is currently drilling a borehole in Layibi Tecko, an area that has been facing water scarcity for many years. The borehole is part of a larger program to increase the number of boreholes within the city, providing more residents with access to clean water.

The recently drilled 18 cm³/hour borehole will be motorized and connected to a transmission main, which will increase water supply in the city. Nsubuga George, the Area Engineer, has declared that the additional borehole will benefit those who have been experiencing water stress.

The corporation is also undertaking sewer mains rehabilitation and upgrade works, including the construction of a 25m sewer upgrade to address the overloaded existing sewer line that spills into Awere road. Once completed, both projects will contribute to improving the reliability of water and sanitation services in the city.

NWSC remains committed to its mission of ensuring water for all. With these ongoing efforts to increase the number of boreholes and upgrade the sewer mains, more residents in Gulu City will have access to clean water and improved sanitation services.

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