Water Herald


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As we continue to grapple with the effects of climate change, environmental responsibility has become an increasingly important topic. The National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC), which is responsible for ensuring that communities have access to clean and safe water in Uganda, is taking action to conserve the environment. 

The Corporation has made significant strides in its efforts to promote sustainable environmental responsibility through a number of initiatives aimed at the cause, for instance; the School Water and Sanitation Clubs (SWAS), an initiative that targets school children who are a critical segment of Uganda’s population. Through the SWAS clubs, NWSC creates awareness about water, sanitation, and the environment in the country. 

Another key environmental sustainability initiative that the corporation has taken up is the promotion of water conservation measures, such as the use of water-efficient technologies and practices. NWSC encourages customers to conserve water through educational campaigns and the installation of water-efficient appliances and fixtures.

The corporation also places a strong emphasis on the protection of water sources and the management of wastewater. It conducts regular water quality tests to ensure that the water supplied to customers meets national and international standards. Additionally, NWSC invests in wastewater treatment facilities to ensure that wastewater is treated before being discharged back into the environment.

Furthermore, NWSC is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting renewable energy sources. The corporation has installed solar panels at various facilities to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and promote clean energy. NWSC also encourages its customers to use renewable energy sources such as solar water heaters.

Minimizing the impact of its operations on the environment is yet another way that NWSC is ensuring commitment to sustainability to reduce environmental impact by; reduction of water leaks, use of sustainable materials during operations and many more. By reducing water loss and promoting conservation, NWSC is ensuring that future generations will have access to clean and safe water.

Remarkably, NWSC also engages in partnerships with other stakeholders to promote environmental sustainability and support local communities. For example, the corporation collaborates with non-governmental organizations to conduct tree-planting exercises and promote environmental conservation.

With its wide range of initiatives aimed at promoting water conservation, protecting water sources, managing wastewater, reducing carbon footprint, and supporting local communities, NWSC has portrayed an undeniable commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, and will continue to do so.

This not only benefits the environment but also contributes to the long-term viability of the corporation and the communities it serves.

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