Water Herald


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In the hold of Ramadan’s blessings and the spirit of togetherness, the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) hosted its annual Iftar dinner, a contribution to the corporation’s commitment to fostering unity and shared prosperity. 

The dinner, hosted at the International Resource Center (IREC) in Bugolobi, witnessed a number of esteemed persons of the Muslim community, and the NWSC, most of whom preached peace, unity, and love. For one, the esteemed Mufti of Uganda and chief guest of the evening, Sheikh Shaban Mubajje, sounded a call against the troubling rise of domestic violence, urging families to fortify their bonds in pursuit of collective well-being. 

Mufti Mubajje in his address also hinted on the virtue of patience as a basis of integrity, advocating for inclusive workplaces that accommodate the spiritual needs of Muslim employees, and also expressed gratitude for the generous support (Ugx10 Million) extended by NWSC to the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC).

The Ag. Managing Director NWSC, Eng. Alex Gisagara, echoed the sentiment of inner and outer peace, urging prayers for a world free from atrocities, and commended the NWSC Muslim community for upholding integrity, a rather exemplary conduct. 

A rather interesting and memorable address was conveyed by Dr. Hanifah Namala, from the National Medical Stores, who exhorted attendees to cultivate a culture of values within their homes, and acknowledged NWSC’s role in nurturing professional and customer-centric individuals as a way of shaping a conscientious workforce dedicated to service excellence.

The General Manager-Kampala Water, Eng. Mahmood Lutaaya, extended gratitude to customers for their unwavering support as he hinted at the symbiotic relationship between NWSC and its stakeholders. 

The event also witnessed the NWSC management acknowledge exceptional customers within the Greater Kampala Metropolitan and Entebbe Area, who were awarded gifts as a token of appreciation, and in the spirit of lauding, it is simply in order to acknowledge, and applaud the tireless efforts of the NWSC Director Human Resources, Ms. Eunice Alanyo and her team who saw to it that the event flowed impeccably, and that all the needs of the attendees were catered to.

Among the distinguished guests were Hajji Abbas Muluubya, Secretary General of UMSC; Mr. Salim Uhuru, Mayor of Kampala; and Mr. Sam Apedel, Director of Public Relations at NWSC, among others. 

The evening then concluded in a sumptuous meal, as the attendees broke the fast together, clearly depicting the communal spirit that defines Ramadan.

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