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With the intention of enhancing water and sanitation services in Zambia, Nkana Water and Sanitation Company (NWSC) embarked on a benchmarking mission to Uganda’s National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) from July 1st to 5th, 2024. This initiative, part of the Water Operator Partnership (WOP) project titled “Strengthening Equitable Water and Sanitation Services Provision in Nkana Water” (SEWATSAN), was funded by the European Union and overseen by GWOPA and UN-HABITAT. The mission aimed to foster knowledge exchange and adopt best practices to boost operational efficiency and effectiveness in Zambia.

The visit, led by Eng. Schalla Mwakazanga, the Director of Infrastructure Development at NWSC-Zambia, sought to understand the intricacies of Uganda’s NWSC internal management structures, asset and debt management strategies, Urban-Pro Poor management, revenue enhancement initiatives, and techniques for reducing Non-Revenue Water. Additionally, the mission aimed to analyse the monitoring and evaluation frameworks that underpin NWSC-Uganda’s success in improving water and sanitation services.

Throughout the week-long visit, the delegation engaged in a series of lectures facilitated by NWSC-Uganda staff, field attachments to various branches and installations, site visits to observe operations firsthand, interactive discussions, and a thorough review of documentation. These activities provided the Zambian team with a holistic view of NWSC-Uganda’s practices, especially in critical operational areas.

One of the focal points of the mission was internal delegated management. The Zambian team studied the structure, delegation processes, roles and responsibilities, and performance monitoring mechanisms at NWSC-Uganda with the aim of uncovering the secrets behind the corporation’s efficient management and effective service delivery.

Asset management operations were another key area of interest. The delegation gained insights into asset inventory and tracking systems, maintenance and replacement strategies, and asset optimization practices. This knowledge is expected to inform NWSC-Zambia’s efforts to manage its resources more effectively and sustainably.

The Zambian team also gained insight into debt management strategies, exploring financial liabilities, debt collection processes, and policies to ensure financial sustainability. Billing and revenue enhancement were scrutinized, with a focus on billing systems, Customer Relations Management (CRM) system, digitization of services, engagement strategies, and innovations in revenue collection.

Water production and distribution processes were thoroughly examined, particularly at the Ggaba Water Treatment Plant. The team observed water production technologies, distribution network management, and strategies for reducing Non-Revenue Water, including leak detection and water theft prevention.

Monitoring and evaluation frameworks were a critical component of the mission. The delegation learned about performance indicators, data collection and analysis methods, reporting frameworks, and feedback mechanisms. This knowledge is essential for improving service delivery and ensuring accountability.

The NWSC-Zambia delegation, including key personnel such as; Chali Mporokoso, Manager Legal and Company Secretary; Banji Mwiinga, Commercial Services Manager; Eng. Jeff Phiri, Manager Water; Eng. Mwape Mapulanga, Research and Development Specialist; Eng. Howard Musonda, WWX Local Project Coordinator; and Ngandwe Chama, Senior Community Development Officer, actively participated in these sessions. Their engagement facilitated a comprehensive understanding of best practices in the identified focus areas of water and wastewater management.

By the end of the mission, the NWSC-Zambia team expected to achieve a detailed understanding of best practices, actionable insights and strategies for implementation, and strengthened collaboration between NWSC-Zambia and Uganda’s NWSC. The team also aimed to produce a comprehensive report documenting findings and recommendations for each focus area.

Notably, this benchmarking mission to Uganda’s NWSC presented a valuable opportunity for NWSC-Zambia to learn from a leading water utility in Africa and enhance its water and sanitation services. 

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