Approximately 484,000 people from different communities including; Kamdini, Koro Abili, Karuma, Bobi, Palenga and Minakuru will access clean and safe water thanks to the Gulu Water Supply and Sanitation Project Phase 2 (Gulu Phase 2).
Notably, National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) acting on behalf of Government of Uganda completed the execution of Gulu Water Supply and Sanitation Project Phase 1 (Gulu Phase 1) in September 2020, and the project works were commissioned by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Uganda on 23rd October 2020.
The said project was co-funded by the World Bank under the Water Management and Development Project (WMDP), KfW under the Integrated Program to Improve the Living Conditions in Gulu (IPILC 1) and the Government of Uganda. It entailed; construction of a new intake at Oyitino 2, upgrading and expansion of the existing water treatment plant from a production capacity of 4,000m3/day to 10,000 m3/day, upgrading of the existing water supply and distribution network, upgrading and expansion of the existing wastewater treatment plant and wastewater collection system, and construction of a faecal sludge reception and treatment center. The project has improved water supply and sewerage services in Gulu City and surrounding areas.
However, the measures implemented were only for the short-medium term thus, up to 2025. For the long term (up to 2040), NWSC is set to start execution of Gulu Water Supply and Sanitation Project Phase 2 (Gulu Phase 2).
Gulu Phase 2 project will be executed under two works contracts; Package 1 funded by KfW (under the Integrated Program to Improve the Living Conditions in Gulu and Small Towns enoute in The Victoria Nile Catchment Phase 2, IPILC 2) entails development of 10,000m3 per day water treatment plant at the River Nile at Karuma (including 30,000m3 per day water intake), construction of 5,000m3 reservoir in Gulu and branch off systems to supply six small towns from Karuma to Gulu.
Package 2, funded by the World Bank (under the Integrated Water Management and Development Project, IWMDP) entails construction of 70.5 kilometre transmission pipeline from Karuma to Gulu.

Selection of contractor for Package 1 works (involving construction of a new intake along the River Nile at Karuma, construction of water treatment plant and pumping station, construction of new water storage in Gulu and water supply in the town’s en-route to Gulu from Karuma) has been completed, and contract awarded to Sogea Satom, France while selection of contractor for Package 2 works (involving construction of Treated Water Transmission Pipeline from Karuma to Gulu) is expected to be awarded in February 2022, and contract signed in March 2022.
All works contracts will be supervised by Fichtner Water & Transportation GmbH – GOPA Infra GmbH in association with M&E Associates Ltd and Governance Systems International, Germany. The project works are expected to be completed by June 2024.
The NWSC Managing Director, Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha officiated the contract awarding ceremony to Sogea Satom in which the procurement was examined and signed. He expressed gratitude towards Sogea Satom for being keen on seeing through all their projects to completion.
Dr Eng. Mugisha also emphasized the need to create meaningful synergies and build a strong relationship between NWSC and Sogea Satom. “NWSC acts in the best interests of the Government of Uganda and by this we expect corruption-free procurement processes and cost and time-bound projects”.
The NWSC’s Corporation Secretary, Dr. Edith Kateete also took part in the signing of the contract award as the Director Director Planning & Capital Development, Mr.Paddy Twesigye, the Senior Manager Public Relations, Mr. Sam Apedel and the Manager Public Relations were on hand to witness.
NWSC is committed to Water for All.