In the presence of Development and Implementing Partners, Water for People launched the “Charity Water Grant 423” which is targeted at improving water accessibility in Kamwenge District. This $3,117,213 grant will be used to construct a piped water supply and sanitation system characterized by; extension of piped water to 29 villages in Kamwenge District, construction of Bihanga-Kaberebere Kijungu piped water supply and sanitation system serving 10 villages in Bihanga Sub County, the demarcation of 30KMs along River Mpanga, construction of 27 blocks of 5 stance lined VIP latrines and WASHaLOTs in 12 schools, Household sanitation improvement campaigns and, Institutional strengthening, among other activities.
The Water Supply kingpin in the country, NWSC, will greatly benefit from the water supply extension and system works whose scope includes; Laying 94.6KMs of a distribution network, laying 103KMs of intensification network, construction of a 109m³ reservoir tank at Kitonzi, installation of Electro-mechanical equipment for Kabuga Water Supply System, construction of 618 on plot connections, construction of 81 PSPs, construction of 2 chlorine dosing houses and installation of a dosing unit in Biguli, laying 14.7KMs of pumping mains to two reservoirs in Biguli, reservoir site works and, 10 public water kiosks, to mention but a few.
In his communication, the Area Manager thanked Water for People for the collaborative efforts that have improved water supply in Kamwenge Area. He gave a brief on operational statistics in areas where works have been completed, clearly showing the impact of the grants when put to good use.
He also thanked all the leaders present for the support rendered towards such collaborations informing them that they make work much easier and faster, alluding to the Kabambiro System that had hit a snag when a family blocked an access route to the tank. He informed the congregation that the leadership was so supportive when approached by the NWSC team and how the residents of the Sub County are now enjoying the service.

The Country Director for Water for People, Mrs. Brenda Achiro, emphasized the goal to see that everyone in Kamwenge has sustainable access to clean and safe water by 2027.
In attendance were; Kamwenge RDC, Mr. Martin Mugabi (Guest of honour), Kamwenge District LC5 Chairperson, Mr. Joseph Karungi, Kamwenge CAO, Mr. Hanny Turyaheebwa and his technical team, Ministry of Water and Environment RWSC 6 team, Fort Portal Diocese Vicar General, Kamwenge District Khadi, East Ruwenzori Diocese representative, Water for People officials, World Vision officials, IRC officials, Jese officials, LC3 Chairpersons of Bihanga, Bwizi, Biguli and other local leaders of Kamwenge District.
National Water and Sewerage Corporation is committed to Water for All