Water Herald


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NWSC is committed to ensuring that every Ugandan has access to clean and safe water. In line with this commitment, a team consisting of the Branch Manager- Urban Pro Poor, Mr. Bassajja Siragi, the LC2 Chairperson-Bashir Juma Kawooya, KCCA Division Health Inspectors-Okello Richard and Jemima, Stakeholder Liaison Officer-Jill Mugasa, KW Water Quality Technician-Phillip K, and Urban Pro Poor Field Mobilizer-Ahmed Hilali conducted a site visit to the Railway Parish Community to assess the water and sanitation situation in the community.

The ultimate goal of the visit was to engage with local leaders and the community to accelerate access to clean, safe water for a healthier lifestyle. The team identified two streams, around the police barracks, Mestil hotel, and the parking yard area. Through interactions with locals, valuable points of consideration were gathered, including the need for piped clean water in the form of Public Standpipes (PSPs) as an alternative to the existing springs.

The water quality team, represented by Phillip K, collected samples from the springs for testing. If the water sources are found to be contaminated and the water unsafe, NWSC is prepared to work with KCCA, the local council leaders and all its partners to ensure that the people of the railway parish benefit from the government initiative program of SCAP 100.

Many locals, especially the women, were receptive to the prospect of a safer and more affordable option made available to them at no cost. This engagement was the first of many to follow and the team is ready to work swiftly towards its fruition

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