Water Herald

NWSC Roles Out New Corporate Plan

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The National Water and Sewerage Corporation has rolled out a new Corporate Plan 2021-2024, anchored on the  country’s strategic plans; NDPIII, Government Manifesto, Vision 2040 and will focus on a number of Strategic Priority Areas namely; Industrialisation, Infrastructure Development, Skilling and Work Force Development, Private Sector Involvement and Organisational Health Sustainability.
Speaking at the launch, Minister of Water and Environment, Hon. Sam Cheptoris urged the corporation to impeccably implement the new plan to the delight of its customers and all stakeholders. He also implored the water utility to protect the environment by planting trees, join the fight against pollution and implement CSR projects to benefit communities in Katosi.
Hon. Cheptoris expressed his delight on learning that NWSC now has surplus water to address all the water supply gaps in Kampala city and also praised NWSC upon the timely completion of the Katosi water project and within cost.
Min of State for Water, Hon. Aisha Sekindi, applauded the utility for the vigorous service extensions across the country.
She hinted on the innovating ways the ministry was cooking up to protect the final consumer from water vendors who sell water expensively and called upon communities to support infrastructure projects ss well as desist from focusing on project land compensation initiatives only.
According to the Board chairman Eng. Dr. Prof Badru. M. Kiggundu, the completion and operationalisation of the Katosi water treatment plant,  the water supply situation in Kampala has turned around service delivery in the city, with the formerly dry zones all eliminated and now saturated with water.
“The supply areas of Mukono, Seeta, Sonde, Namugongo, Kyaliwajjala, Kira, Bulindo, Naguru, Buwate, Kasangati, Gayaza, Namanve, Bweyogere, kirinya among many others which were previously dry zones, are all currently receiving water 24/7 from the Katosi system 
Eng Kiggundu added that the new Corporate plan is a framework for a new promise to the people of Uganda, which is in tandem with the 5 year strategic direction.
The Corporate Plan (2021-2024) will be implemented under the theme ” Transformative Accountable and Sustainable Service Delivery  with the Mission to Sustainably and equitably provide cost effective quality water and sewerage services while conserving the environment and enhancing stakeholder trust”.

Written By: John Fisher Sekabira

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