An inspirational leader may well adopt various styles of leadership depending on what the situation calls for, without ever sacrificing the inspirational aspect of their approach. It is about using the right methods at the right time, and taking into account the needs and motivations of those you are leading.
While addressing the executive management of Uganda Registration Services Bureau(URSB), NWSC MD, Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha stated that inspirational leadership was anchored on promotion of the cause and purpose of the organization. Inspiring people is about creating a strong sense of why they should work and expected outcomes, he said.
Going on, he further stressed how inspirational leadership was about promoting equity at the workplace and that it was distinct from equality which verges on treating people the same way, regardless of need or any other individual difference.
Dr. Eng. Mugisha reiterated that inspirational leadership, at its core, was about finding ways to enhance the potential of those you lead in a way that works for them, and inspiring others to push themselves, achieve more and reach that potential. The methods by which this is done will vary from person to person, and business to business, but the outcome is always the same, people developing a greater confidence in what they can do, and applying this confidence in a way that benefits the organization they work for.
“The key to inspirational leadership is awareness, both self-awareness and awareness of those around you. You cannot inspire others unless you first inspire yourself, which means knowing what it is that inspires you, and using this as a catalyst to inspire others.” Stated Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha
Director Business and Scientific Services, Dr. Rose Kaggwa in her presentation to those present thanked the management of URSB for choosing National Water and Sewerage Corporation as their benchmark. She stressed that many a times organizations want to go abroad and do benchmarking when high performing institutions such as NWSC have the capacity from which other entities can learn.
“Local institutions have to put their egos aside, they think that when they benchmark or learn from their fellow local entities, it’s a sign of weakness.” Stated Dr. Kaggwa.
She then went on to boast of NWSC’s tremendous success story highlighting her key milestones since inception in a presentation titled NWSC at a glance.
Speaking to NWSC media, URSB Registrar General, Mrs. Mercy K. Kainobwisho highlighted that Uganda Registration Services Bureau is a government institution that does registration services on behalf of the state. These are done in accordance to the 18 laws and the 21 regulations that they implement, and have placed their services in high demand. Mrs. Kainobwisho stressed that during her 12 months’ journey so far as the top boss at the bureau, she has keenly followed the NWSC journey and noticed that a lot can be learnt from it. She said her team had pitched camp at the state of art NWSC International Resource Centre (IREC) mainly because of NWSC’s customer centric approach.
“Very many employees in different organizations today think that they exist or work for their employer or themselves and yet they are supposed to work for the client, every service or solution that we offer must be focused on the client. We are really empowered and inspired by National Water and we are ready to make reforms at URSB. Like you say water for all, we would also want registration for all,” stated Mrs. Mercy K. Kainobwisho.
She concluded by thanking the leadership of NWSC, Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha and Dr. Rose Kaggwa for the wonderful and engaging presentations. Mrs. Kainobwisho also emphasized that the diagnosis and the prescriptions that have been made would be the same that URSB will follow to give client focused registrations. This will help raise the number of registered businesses from 1 million despite there being at least 15 million Ugandans running businesses.
Also, in attendance were;
Mrs. Zainab Mpakiraba – Manager External Services.
Mr. Emudong Silver – Senior Manager Finance.
Eng. Mahmood Lutaaya – GM Kampala Water.
Mr. Samuel Apedel – Senior Manager Public Relations.
Story by: Raymond Musinguzi #NwscMedia