Water Herald


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The Managing Director of National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha delivered a lecture at the high level panel discussion climaxing the Uganda Water and Environment Week (UWEWK) held at the Ministry of Water and Environment offices in Luzira. 

The weeklong annual event provided an opportunity to engage and exchange information on water and environment management and development in general and across various sectors of the economy.

Dr. Eng. Mugisha underscored the need to adopt a learning mindset to morph to the changing challenges bound to happen. Borrowing NWSC’s model of self-help, he highlighted the cost benefit of carrying out innovations in-house and a ‘do it yourself’ approach.

He challenged the audience to master resilient engineering solutions to come up with alternative approaches to development.

Dr. Eng. Mugisha also highlighted the need to invite youth to come up with practical solutions, giving NWSC’s School Water and Sanitation Clubs, and the Young Water Professionals as a case study. He put forth alternative climate change resilient solutions to mitigate the climate crisis. 

Notably, this year UWEWK2023 explored: The linkage between climate resilience and economic growth in emerging challenges in management and development of water and environment resources, and the need for a systematic review of links, policy options and knowledge gaps. It assessed the balance between pre-disaster and post-disaster investment needs to be examined more explicitly and also tackled innovative financing to improve access to capital for medium and long-term investments in Water and Environment developments.

 Since its inception in 2018, the UWEWK event seeks to contribute towards the attainment of Sustainable Socio-economic Transformation and achieving Ugandan National Development Plan and vision 2040. It provides an interface between sector actors and other stakeholders for knowledge exchange, dialoguing, learning for improvement of Uganda’s water and environment resources.

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