Water Herald


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Nansana, a growing Municipality with a rather high population which frequently faces intermittent water supply and sometimes no water at all.

The situation is even worse during dry spell months like January, with most affected areas being at high altitudes like; Kibwa, Kyebando, Katooke, among others.

Due to water scarcity in these areas, the community resorted to use of other alternative water sources like swamps, ponds and boreholes.  At these sources, the community share water with domestic animals in addition to trekking long distances on top of withstanding long queues for a chance to collect water. This definitely bred water borne diseases that posed severe health threats.

The chairperson Nansana-West ward, Mr. Steven Mukalazi stated that water scarcity was coupled with lots of issues; some parents used to send their children to spring wells, swamps risking them to drowning, defilement, rise of water borne diseases due to use of contaminated water from the unprotected sources.

To permanently solve the problem, NWSC-KW implemented a number of projects thus; the Kasubi-Nansana Water Supply Improvement project that improved the water supply situation within the Municipality. 

The scope was characterized by; the project involved laying 4.9Km of DN300/250 from Kabusi to Nansana tank via the booster and upgrading of high lift pump from 150m3/hr. to 300m3/hr.

The Manager Network-WEZ, Mr. Moses Nandigobe stated that what ought to be done is for the Nansana branch team to identify areas that require water mains intensifications then go for it.

Residents were filled with joy and lauded NWSC-KW for the huge relief now that they can access clean and safe water.

Notably, the project was fully funded by NWSC and is now benefiting 7 villages; Nansana-Kibwa, Masitowa, Kabumbi, Ganda, Kyebando, Yesu Amala, Kinyarwanda and Nabweru.

*NWSC is committed to Water For All.*

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