Water Herald


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Engaging stakeholders is fundamental to the success of any organization and so is foresight. At least the NWSC Kamwenge Area Manager, Joseph Mulinde and his Accounting Officer seem tothink so as they held a fruitful meeting with the Ishongororo Town Clerk, Mr. Pius Murekyezi and Mayor, Mr.
Hassan Mugabe to discuss NWSC’s operations and projects (both ongoing and future) within Ishongororo and plans for the Town Council.

The Area Manager informed the Town Clerk of the plan to increase the capacity of Mpanga Treatment Plant from 1,000m³ per day to 2,500m³ per day which will increase water supply especially in the water stressed areas of Kakinga and surrounding villages in the Town Council.

Mr. Mulinde also shared the history of the asset transactions and handovers from the Sub-County to Umbrella and then to NWSC which was appreciated. It was also noted that such copies will simplify the work of disseminating correct information and counter-acting conflicting information, to and
from the locals. The Area MP, Hon. Kyooma Xavier was also briefed about the developments so as to work better together for the good of the people.

Another meeting with the rest of the Councilors has been scheduled to address any grievances and provide the necessary solutions. National Water and Sewerage Corporation continues to be committed to water for all, for a delighted customer by a delighted workforce.

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