Water Herald


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The execution of any business depends on people, most importantly stakeholders. The Kabale area paid a courtesy call to the recently elected District leadership at the LCV Chairperson’s office, Kabale District and met key stakeholders such as; LCV Chairperson – Hon Nelson Nsanga-Basheija and District Councilors.

The district leaders were updated on the water supply status within Kabale Municipality and surrounding areas as well as the progress of the completed and ongoing projects. These include; The completed 20km of mains extensions that have benefited Nyabikoni, Nyamiyaga, Nyarutuntu Butobere, Bogongi and surrounding areas. The technical team is currently working to ensure all laid pipes are charged and utilized.

They also hinted on the Installation of pumps at Bunyonyi intake and Kachwekano pump stations, which has improved the capacity of plant and will boost supply to areas of Rwenyana, Mwendo, Katenga and south part of town covering Kabale University and Prisons.

The construction and installation of public stand pipes within the Municipality, meant to improve access of clean and safe water to customers especially during the pandemic was also discussed.

The NWSC Kabale team also bragged about ongoing works bound to ensure reliable and sustainable supply in the area which include; pipeline testing of the Kihumuro project, the elevation, installation of the tank and pump testing of Kikungiri booster station and, removal of the
constraints along the transmission main line anticipated to improve levels at Makanga.

On behalf of the District, the LCV Chairperson appreciated the work NWSC is doing and pledged
support to the Corporation and all projects ongoing to boost water supply to the customers in Kabale District.

NWSC is committed to Water for All.

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