Water Herald


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Following an incident that occurred on Sunday morning which saw the in-let pipe that delivers water from Katosi Water Treatment Plant to the reservoir suffer a technical failure and give way, the NWSC Director-Engineering services, Eng. Alex Gisagara, Kampala Water-General Manager, Eng. Mahmood Lutaaya, Project Supervisor-Eng. Herbert Mujuni , Senior Manager-Water Supply, Moses Bigabwa and the  contractor, Sogea Satom, met  at the Sonde water reservoir and brainstormed ways to hasten realignment of the damaged section at the Sonde reservoir, water supply restoration to all affected customers and a community engagement initiative.

The incident flooded the surrounding area and inconvenienced various homes as water flowed into houses, flooded compounds, roads.

Teams responded as swiftly as possible and earlier this morning, works to get fix the damaged pipe and restore supply, commenced. 

Notably, no one was injured in the incident. NWSC is in touch with the people who were inconvenienced and will resolve any outstanding issues with them. 

The General Mananger-KW, Eng. Lutaaya together with the project sociologists met the neighboring communities affected by the spillage from the failure. In his address to the affected persons, he empathized with the affected persons and assured them of NWSC and the Contractor’s intention to address their concerns.

Eng. Lutaaya went door to door, to make known of the corporation’s remorse following the incident, something that the community leaders appreciated and pledged to work with NWSC towards water supply restoration and reinstatement of damaged infrastructure in the area.


On the other hand, the Senior Manager-Water Supply, Eng. Bigabwa and the contractor, Sogea Satom have fully mobilised their teams and are working 24/7 to repair the inlet pipe and restore water supply to the affected customers as soon as possible. 

It should also be noted that NWSC has built capacity and continues to enhance skills of her engineers to handle emergencies on the newly laid bulk transmission mains and Katosi Water project associated fittings.

As NWSC undertakes repair work and restoration of supply, the corporation would like to advise her customers served by the Sonde reservoir to store water and use it sparingly as the technical

teams repair the damaged pipeline and restore supply.

Wriitten By: John Fisher Sekabira

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