Water Herald


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A preparatory meeting for the 2023 Uganda Martyr’s Day celebrations was held at the Ministry of Tourism ON 14TH March 2023.

The meeting focused on several key issues, including a brief on planned breakaway meetings for trail handling, a review of the previous meeting, discussions on emergency handling and water supply which is definitely where the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) comes in. The meeting also discussed cleaning of roads, and involving Mukono Municipality in opening up roads.

A lot of emphasis was put on cleaning roads and the need for reliable water supply before, during and after the celebrations.

The NWSC-Senior Manager Water Supply, Eng. Francis Kateeba, assured the attendees of the presence of multidisciplinary teams that NWSC is set to handle any emergencies that could arise at all sites. 

The meeting was attended by officials from the Ministry of Tourism, representatives from the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC), officials from the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), the Town Clerk of Kiira Municipality, police officials, and representatives from the Catholic and Anglican Churches.

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