Water Herald


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Written by Ritah Akello

The National Water and Sewerage Corporation’s Board of Directors(BoD) has always rooted for Stakeholder Engagement as the most important ingredient for exceptional and sustainable service delivery, which the corporation is all about.

This, they clearly depicted while in Rubirizi and Kitagata service areas in the greater Bushenyi Area, where the BoD met with various stakeholders characterized by; Resident District Commissioners, Local Council Chairpersons, other persons of political influence and some NWSC customers as well as Bushenyi Area Staff.

The BoD had their day busy with visitation of the NWSC installations, tree planting as a way of environmental conservation within Kitagata service area and concluded the day with a meeting to address the staff of NWSC Rubirizi service area.

The local leaders shared their concerns with the BoD and asked the team to ensure full resolution of their concerns. They also pledged full support to the NWSC-Rubirizi area team and all voiced out in one accord the great service delivery that the area team has provided to the people of the land.

In his address, the then Ag. BoD chairperson, Col. Stephen Basaliza thanked the Bushenyi Cluster teams for bridging the gap between NWSC and local leaders within the area which has helped propel service delivery in the service area. He commended the staff of NWSC for their discipline and commitment towards service delivery to customers explaining that all the staff will go through cadre-ship trainings on governance and patriotism so as to serve customers better.

The BoD went on to express their sheer gratitude to the staff and commended the teams for their good performance exhibited so far, encouraged them to always embrace teamwork and pledged their full support in delivering the NWSC promise of Water for All.
They applauded the Rubirizi and Kitagata teams for their impact to reduction of NRW and sales increment in the region.

‘COVID affected resources and slowed down work but now we should all put on our boots to work and extend services to our people’ pledged Mr. George Runge (BoD Member). He encouraged unbreakable rapport between NWSC and the Local Leaders so as to best serve the people. Mr. Runge went on to task the RDC with security and a conducive and amiable environment to ensure that water is supplied to the people.

The BoD to the staff, re-echoed the need for personal growth and development. ‘Live a healthy life, don’t get involved in things that will weaken you and disable you from performing your duties. Plan for yourself too and get busy with personal development and have a fallback position’ stressed Canon Josephine Kasya.

The Media fraternity has contributed greatly to helping the masses know and understand the NWSC objectives, services and commitments. This has not gone unnoticed by the BoD which appreciated the various media houses for their participation in the corporation’s service delivery.

Corporation Secretary/DMD-Board Affairs and management services, Dr. Edith Kateete thanked the BoD for their unconditional support of staff in all regions. She commended the local leadership as well as the NWSC staff for the good job well done and encouraged them to keep working hard and performing well since this would in turn grant them benefits according to performance.

The Director Region Operations, Eng. Edmond Okaranon appreciated the BoD for taking time off to visit the region and area and also the area team for the great job well done. “Stakeholder engagement is key and team work enables NWSC to meet its targets”, he stated.

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