Water Herald


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Dr. Eng. Badru Kiggundu, the Chairman of the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) Board of Directors (B.O.D), embarked on a significant visit to inspect the progress of the Karuma Gulu water project on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, accompanied by a team of project engineers, contractors, and NWSC personnel. The ongoing project aims to enhance water production capacity in Gulu City and the surrounding towns.

Package 01 of the project is a crucial starting point characterized by the construction of the Nile Water Treatment Plant which began on August 1, 2023, in Karuma. It is slated for completion by July 31, 2024, with an overall progress of 41% as of September 2023. The project is executed by SOGEA SATOM.

Package 02 on the other hand involves laying a 70.5km transmission pipeline from Karuma to Gulu, with work commencing on November 1, 2023, and an expected completion date of October 31, 2024. DENYS is responsible for this project, and progress currently stands at 42%.

Kennedy Geria, the NWSC project engineer, expressed confidence that the project is on track to meet its completion goals and achieve the plan to supply clean water to six towns along the Karuma Gulu highway, including Karuma, Kamdini, Minakulu, Bobi, Palenga, and Koro Abili.

During the visit, Dr. Kiggundu conducted a thorough inspection of the project’s infrastructure under construction, engaging with site engineers and assessing the progress. In a brief statement to the contractors, he conveyed his satisfaction with the project’s advancement and praised the dedication of all involved. He stressed the importance of finishing the project on schedule to ensure convenient access to clean water for the public.

The project’s comprehensive overview includes various elements such as; Nile Water Intake, Nile Water Treatment Plant, a 5300 cubic meter Custom Corner Tank 2, a water supply system for towns along the route, electrical works and automation, a dewatered sludge storage facility in Gulu City, a prepaid metering system, construction of a 70.5km DI, DN500 transmission main from the Nile Water Treatment Plant in Karuma to Gulu, Custom Corner, water pressure fittings, air valves, and washout, trenchless road crossings, and wetland crossings on concrete supports.

In line with its commitment, NWSC strives to ensure water access for all, and this project stands as a testament to that commitment, with progress indicating a positive step towards achieving this goal.

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