Over the past two years, the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) has significantly invested in stabilizing water supply services in Kakumiro District. Despite these efforts, the area remains heavily reliant on boreholes, which collectively produce only about 300,000 liters of water daily, a supply insufficient to meet the needs of the growing population. The situation worsens during the dry season when borehole yields diminish.
Therefore, the current water sources are unsustainable for Kakumiro’s long-term needs, leaving several towns within the district, including Igayaza, Mwitanzigye, and Kisiita, in urgent need of the National Water and Sewerage Corporation’s (NWSC) piped water services due to their large populations and thriving economic activities.
In response to these challenges, NWSC, under the leadership of Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha, has launched a project to construct a water treatment plant with a capacity of four million liters per day. The project also includes the installation of over 50 kilometers of water pipelines to serve all the towns and town councils within the district. The planned water treatment plant will source its raw water from River Nkutsi, located in Kyendere village.
To advance this initiative, a team of engineers from NWSC’s Head Office, led by Eng. Denis Taremwa, Director of Infrastructure Planning and Development, recently visited potential sites along River Nkutsi for the intake and water treatment plant. Accompanied by Kakumiro Area Manager, Mr. Godfrey Tumuheirwe, and the District Planner, the team assessed various factors such as accessibility, land availability, river width and depth, flood susceptibility, proximity to power sources, and the feasibility of gravitating water across the supply area.
During these site visits, the team engaged with local residents and leaders to gain insights into land ownership and historical land use, which are crucial for the project’s success. The team plans to assess potential reservoir and booster sites and pipeline routes tomorrow. These assessments will inform the selection of the most suitable locations, after which detailed designs and tender documents will be finalized to initiate the tendering process.
NWSC remains dedicated to providing safe and reliable water supply services across its jurisdictions.