Water Herald


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Written by Solomon Hans Ruyonga

395 plumbers, electro-mechanic technicians and customer service advisers graduated in Practically Acquired Skills (PAS) at a colorful event that was presided over by the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) Board Chairman representative, Mr. George Runge.

The talk of the day, “Non-Revenue Water Reduction”. 

The National Water and Sewerage Corporation’ Managing Director, Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha has always set the tone in the fight against Non-Revenue Water. So to the newly technically skilled staff, he urged that they suit up because they are expected to support NWSC’s quest to reduce Non-Revenue Water.

Mr. Runge was quite honored to officiate the graduation ceremony of the NWSC Workers’ Practically Acquired Skills (PAS) and stated that the event is in line with the Goal No. 4 of the NDP III 2021-2025 which is; Enhancing Productivity and Social Wellbeing of the population, and, also in line with the corporation’s Strategic Priority Area (SPA 3 & 5) of the Corporate Plan 2021-2024 which is; SPA 3- ‘Skilling and Workforce Development’ and; SPA 5- ‘Organizational Health and Sustainability’.

Mr. Runge also alluded to the country’s Vision 2040 which includes having a middle income economy by 2040, and the Government Manifesto which emphasizes promoting sustainable Growth and structural transformation of the economy which all require development of skills that are responsive to the dynamics and demands of the labor market.

For development to prevail, service and business must grow, be sustained and, losses such as NRW, eliminated. 

“The graduation ceremony we are having today points towards the NWSC’s deliberate efforts towards meeting the increased capacity needs that are demand driven and are responsive to the growing service delivery needs of the Corporation. Therefore, you must play your part in; the fight against Non-Revenue Water, elevating service delivery and business growth”, stated Mr. Runge.


Dr. Rose Kaggwa, the Director Business Scientific Services, thanked NWSC Board Management for initiating a training programme that directly responds to both the institutional and labor market needs and addresses the corporation’s problems, like NRW. 

Full of pride, Dr. Kaggwa recognized great milestones registered in the 4th graduation such as; for the first time; the program had 24 staff graduating with LEVEL  4 EMT (equivalent to national diploma), female participants increased by 10% and, the training was able to attract Engineers to participate in the practical skills assessment. 

The assessment categories under Workers’ PAS include; Informally skilled staff with an accumulated wealth of experience, formally educated staff but practicing a different trade they did not study, and, skills and assessment for trainers and supervisors. 

She also mentioned the fact that NWSC is in tandem with the Ugandan Vocational Qualifications Framework policy objective that allows for employers and industry experts to play a significant role in defining occupational standards and training content.

The graduates completed the Practically Acquired Skills (PAS) training in industrial plumbing, industrial Electro-mechanical installation, welding, customer service and heavy equipment operations. 

Remarkably, PAS training makes transition from the informal to the formal education and training sector much easier. It enables vocational experience and skills acquired on the job to be validated and recognized.

NWSC has focused on ensuring continuous knowledge management and learning, and, has deliberately moved to adopt various change management techniques that have generated a wealth of knowledge and experience within the organization.

The corporation’s fully functional Vocational Skills Development Facility at Ggaba (VSDF) has so far successfully graduated four cohorts since inception, offering; Training Needs Assessment, Development of Tailor made courses, Short term attachments/On job training (home and away), Face to face learning and Creative Learning.

Notably, the VSDF was established with support from GIZ and is accredited by the Directorate of Industrial Training under the Ministry of Education and Sports.

NWSC remains committed to Water for All.

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