Water Herald

MWE implements the Kibaale Water Supply System

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The Ministry of Water and Environment is implementing the “Kibaale Water Supply System” through the Water and Sanitation Development Facility-Central. This enactment will increase water capacity by 224,000 liters daily.

The development consists of a pump station equipped with grid power and solar energy for water pumping, a new elevated 200m3 tank and limited distribution system and, connections to over 60 customers.

Phase II of this project will embark on expanding the distribution network as well as adding few additional water sources to enable the unserved areas to have access to clean and safe water.

Meanwhile, plans are also underway to complete designs for Kyebando, and Kasimbi where a total population of approximately 44,000 people are projected to be served by 2041 in twenty years  from now is estimated to be served.

The completed project was handed over to the Umbrella of Water and Sanitation Mid-Western for Operation and Maintenance.

Written by: Mathew .K. Atwine (MWE)

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