Water Herald


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In the words of Michael G, “Businesses that plan always do better than businesses that don’t. But businesses that change their plans are always more successful than businesses that plan but don’t change them.”

The pursuit of growth is an inherent goal for businesses, and Kampala Water is no exception. As it aspires to achieve a sales milestone of 30 billion, the shadow of Non-Revenue Water (NRW) looms large, casting a pall over its ambitions. Whether caused by physical or commercial losses, the cancer of NRW has proven detrimental to the company’s bottom line and developmental aspirations.

Aiming to fortify its strategic approach, the Mukono branch, led by Mr. Daniel Mugoya, has embarked on an initiative named “the great opportunity.” Designed to be a transformative force within the corporation, this campaign is set to unfold until the end of December this year. Its blueprint comprises a comprehensive series of activities, encompassing meticulous account investigation, leak detection and resolution, E-billing system sensitization, meter servicing, and an amplified water distribution network.

Mr. Mugoya, speaking during the campaign’s launch, emphasized the branch’s heightened operational commitment. Under his directive, every territory leader is entrusted with probing a minimum of 30 accounts, with special attention to addressing dormant ones. It’s a strategic move to create a first line of defense against NRW’s encroachment. Recent statistics underscore the urgency of this effort, revealing that NRW within the Mukono and Mbalala branches had reached a staggering 62% by July 2023. Yet, fueled by determination, Mugoya aims to cut this proportion down to 40% by the close of this year.

Ms. Sarah Namuwenge, Senior Manager of the Eastern Zone, echoed the sentiment that conquering NRW demands relentless dedication and a reimagining of operational paradigms. The pledge to support regional business growth united the teams in a shared commitment.

Eng. Mahmood Lutaaya, the General Manager of Kampala Water, graced the launch with his presence. He articulated the need for a collaborative push to reduce NRW, emphasizing a collective reshaping of field practices. “To curb this issue, we require a workforce that embodies resilience, determination, honesty, hard work, and creativity,” he asserted. In a counsel of strategic wisdom, he recommended regular progress evaluation, suggesting weekly assessments to pinpoint operational gaps and refine strategies.

The Mukono branch’s endeavor stands as a beacon of proactive transformation. As the battle against NRW wages on, the concerted efforts of the KW family promise to restore balance and secure a more prosperous future. Through cohesive teamwork and a recalibrated approach, Kampala Water is steadfastly steering towards a horizon where growth is no longer compromised by the specter of non-revenue water

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