It is said that building a good customer experience does not happen by accident but by design. This was elaborated when the DMD – Technical Services, Eng. Johnson Amayo, steered a delegation from NWSC to the Parliament of Uganda. The purpose of the visit was to share interventions the Corporation was undertaking to address the water supply challenges in Mubende.
The meeting, which was chaired by the Government Chief Whip, Hon. Tom Tayebwa, took place in the Parliamentary Chambers. Joined by different members of parliament representing the different counties in Mubende district, – Hon. Hope Nakazibwe – Woman MP Buwekula, Hon. William Museveni – MP Buwekula South, Hon. Pascal Mbabazi – MP Buwekula North, and Hon. Kirabo – Youth MP, the group was impressed by what they heard.
Eng. Johnson Amayo in his remarks to the MPs gave an overview of the Mubende Area, explaining that it was gazetted and handed over to NWSC in November 2006. Since then, NWSC has grown the network, with the current system serving about 116,023 people out of the total population of 186,842.
This revealed a supply gap which Eng. Amayo shared was due to a few challenges such as the dry spell and operational challenges such drastic reduction in Katoma dam levels due to the prolonged drought and dropping borehole yields during the dry season.
To address these, Eng. Amayo shared that NWSC aimed to improve supply reliability through short and long term interevntions. The short term ones include laying a 2.1km DN150 delivery mains to increase water abstraction from Kachwamango dam, connecting the two drilled boreholes to Katabalanga water works and completion of the Ntungamo mini project which will serve a total of 11 villages in Bageza and Kibalinga subcounties.
Among the long-term interventions, the DMD-TS affirmed that NWSC plans to undertake the following;
▪ Upgrading of 5km Town Network from DN 100 to DN 250.
▪ Completion of Musozi Mini System.
▪ Identification of an alternative reliable water source and construction of a new water supply system to serve both Mubende and Kasanda districts.
▪ Completion of Nsengwe Mini system.
Eng. Johnson Amayo concluded his submission by thanking the Parliament of Uganda for all the support rendered to NWSC in regards to service delivery.
In appreciation of NWSC’s commitment to improving water supply reliability in Mubende, the Government Chief Whip, Hon. Tom Tayebwa, credited the NWSC Board and Management for doing a tremendous job towards service delivery. “NWSC operates like a private entity yet it’s a government institution; this is the only institution l can drive to anytime, any day, comfortably. NWSC you are a family.” Tayebwa commented.
The Chief Whip, together with the MPs from Mubende sub region pledged to support NWSC in all its initiatives. “Please work with all my MPs to ensure that we have increased water coverage in all parts of the country. The President’s directive is that all people in the rural-urban region should have access to clean water.” concluded the Chief Whip.
In attendance from NWSC was Ms. Carol Nyangweso – Principal Engineer Central region and Cream Treasure – Senior PRO Central region.
Written by: Cream Treasure