Water Herald


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Freshwater is a finite resource that is essential for our survival. Awkwardly, it’s taken for granted and wasted without realizing the long-term consequences for instance, inefficient water use can have a financial implication on a home owner or business. However, Water usage discipline can be an effective way to save more money on your water bills. Here are some tips to help you save with water usage discipline: 

Regularly inspecting and repairing leaking valves and pipes; Leaks are one of the biggest culprits of wasted water and high water bills. Fixing leaks as soon as they are detected can help one save a significant amount of money over time.

Install low-flow fixtures; Installing low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets can help you conserve water and save money on your water bills.

Water your lawn and garden in the morning or evening: Watering your lawn and garden during the hottest part of the day can lead to water loss due to evaporation. Watering in the morning or evening when the temperature is cooler can help you conserve water and there we go, saving some more money.

Consider a rainwater harvesting system; It can help you collect rainwater and use it for watering your plants and garden. This can help you save money on your water bills and reduce your reliance on municipal water supply.

Avoid letting the water run while rinsing dishes; It is an effective way to save water while hand washing dishes. Fill one sink/wash basin with soapy water and another with clean water for rinsing. This way, you can wash multiple dishes at once without constantly running the water.

Turn off the water while brushing your teeth or even shaving; You could simply wet your toothbrush or razor and then turn off the water while brushing or shaving. This will prevent water from running down the drain unnecessarily. OR Fill a cup with water to rinse your mouth or razor instead of using running water. This way, you can control the amount of water you use and prevent wastage.

Take shorter showers or baths; A typical shower can use 2.5 gallons of water per minute, so reducing your shower time by just a few minutes can save a significant amount of water. Turn off the water while soaping up or shampooing your hair. This will prevent water from running down the drain unnecessarily. If you must take a bath, consider taking it in less water. Instead of filling up the entire tub, fill it up only a third of the way.

Recycling and reusing water is another effective way to save water and reduce your water bills. Wastewater from sources such as washing machines, showers, and sinks can be recycled and reused for non-potable purposes, such as irrigation, car wash or toilet flushing.

By using your water meter to check for leaks, you can identify leaks early and save water and money on your water bills. Additionally, fixing leaks is important for the environment, as it helps preserve water resources and reduce water pollution/contamination.

Monitor your water bill; by doing so, you can identify any unusual patterns in your water usage and take steps to reduce your water consumption which in turn will help lower your water bills and conserve water resources.

Do not run the hose while washing your car; Use a bucket and sponge instead of a hose to wash your car. You could consider, filling a bucket with water and a small amount of soap, and use the sponge to wash your car. Then rinse your car using a bucket or a spray nozzle that can be turned off when not in use. Use a broom or leaf blower to remove debris from your car instead of using water. You could also consider using a waterless car wash product, which can clean your car without using any water.

These small actions can make a big difference in conserving water and reducing on one’s water bills. Water conservation is fundamental and necessitates immediate attention. 

By executing the various modest water-saving techniques, this valuable resource can also be preserved for future generations. 

With collective effort from policymakers and authorities, measures to promote sustainable water management practices coupled with raising awareness on water conservation; a sustainable future for ourselves and our planet is guaranteed.

Every little bit of water saved, helps!

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