Water Herald


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The National Water and Sewerage Corporation’s (NWSC) Nebbi Cluster hosted a team from the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development (MOFPED) whose intention was to assess the Parombo Water Supply Project under Market Finance projects.

Led by the Ass. Commissioner, Mr. Samson Muwanguzi, the MOFPED team was treated to a guided tour by the Manager Project planning and Capacity Development, Eng. Paul Rwakikara, NWSC-Nebbi Area Manager-Mr. Mwesigye Geoffrey, the Branch Manager Parombo, and Security Officer.

The visiting Team’s mission was to monitor and assess the project’s performance, its implementation process, functionality, impact to the community and value for money.

Eng. Rwakikara gave a brief background of the project, and its implementation, while the Area manager briefed the guests on the functionality and the performance of the project thus; Production status, Billing, number of accounts, collection status, extension in KMs, PSPs constructed, the reception of the community and impact on them.

Mr. Samson Muwanguzi was rather impressed with the work done so far and very appreciative of NWSC’s strategies that clearly depict value for money.

NWSC is committed to Water for All, for a delighted customer by a delighted workforce.

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