Water Herald


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In a significant step towards fostering community involvement, a delegation from the National Water and Sewerage Corporation’s (NWSC) Kampala Water region met with Mayor Rubaga, His Worship Mawula Mberaze, to discuss the ongoing Nalukolongo Waste Water Treatment Plant project. The delegation included Senior Manager of Sewerage Services-Eng. James Miiro Maiteki, Branch Manager of Natete-Kenneth Rukundo, and Public Relations Manager-Vivien Newumbe.

The primary goal of the meeting was to brief the Mayor on the progress of the Nalukolongo project and to plan an upcoming Barazza, a community engagement forum. This forum aims to update residents, businesses, and stakeholders about the project’s developments, address their concerns, and encourage community participation.

“The Barazza is a crucial platform for ensuring effective communication and stakeholder engagement,” said Eng. Miiro Maiteki. “It is essential for building trust and rapport with the community.”

Mayor Mberaze expressed his full support for the initiative, emphasizing the importance of community involvement in such significant infrastructure projects. Following the meeting, the NWSC team, along with contractors, conducted a site visit to the Nalukolongo Waste Water Treatment Plant to assess its current status and preparations for the community engagement event.

The Managing Director of NWSC, Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha, will lead a site inspection at the wastewater plant, and will be joined by contractors, stakeholders, community leaders, and members of the NWSC top management. This inspection will serve to address any concerns, showcase the project’s benefits to both the community and the environment, and promote collaboration and partnership for inclusive and sustainable development.

The Barazza is scheduled for Friday, June 7th, 2024, at Nateete Taxi Park, starting at 11:00 a.m. All concerned community members are invited to attend and actively participate in the discussions. 

“The participation of community members is vital,” remarked Kenneth Rukundo. “Their input and feedback will help ensure the project’s success and sustainability.”

As the Nalukolongo Waste Water Treatment Plant progresses, the NWSC’s commitment to transparent communication and community involvement remains steadfast, aiming to enhance both environmental quality and public trust.

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