Water Herald


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A utility’s ability to provide a reliable supply of service is critical to the well-being of the customers it serves which may explain why the likes of Kampala Water’s Matugga branch opted for massive supply reliability checks and revenue follow-ups aimed at ensuring uninterrupted supply, and the corporation’s financial sustainability respectively. 

The supply reliability checks happen to be an important aspect of service delivery because they help ensure that customers receive a reliable water supply, whereas the Revenue follow-ups contribute to significant investment in infrastructure, including; treatment plants, and distribution networks, to ensure that water is delivered to customers safely and reliably.

Led by the Branch Manager, Mr. Kaweesi Henry, he made several field engagements. They also visited big consumers such as; Ace packaging, Blue Nile, Energo projekit, Kiri Soda, King David Primary school, Sunset Primary school, Victory paints, and more. This, they said, was only the beginning. The Branch intends to carry out regular mass Supply Reliability Checks and Revenue drives to guarantee 100% customer delight. 

Notably, all accounts visited were on supply with good pressure. However, several leaks were identified, reported, and some controlled along the way.

 Most customers interacted with, appreciated NWSC Management for the good service and improvement in supply reliability. 

NWSC is committed to “Water for All”

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