Water Herald


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Effective stakeholder engagement is vital for cultivating loyalty and driving business continuity. By transforming negative experiences into opportunities for growth, businesses can nurture trust and satisfaction among their customers. In line with this principle, the National Water and Sewerage Corporation’s (NWSC) Luteete Main Branch, alongside the Buwate Sub-Branch, engaged with their customers at Kitagobwa Catholic Church on Sunday, July 14th, 2024. 

The initiative, spearheaded by the Buwate Sub-Branch Manager, Mr. Derrick Atwiine, brought together Commercial Officers, Billing Officers, Technical Plumbers, Illegal Water Use Reduction Officers, and Customer Relations Officers to attentively address a range of issues and reinforce the corporation’s commitment to excellent service delivery.

The Luteete and Buwate teams focused on building rapport and creating an environment where customers feel valued and heard. One of the key topics of discussion was the current water supply status, with the team raising awareness about factors contributing to high bills, such as post-meter leakages. They encouraged customers to be vigilant and proactive, advising them to report any issues or challenges they encounter with NWSC services promptly. “Every payment helps sustain the corporation’s operations,” emphasized Winnie Ngabirwe, the Commercial Officer, urging timely bill payments regardless of the amount.

The engagement also highlighted the detrimental impact of physical factors like leaks or bursts on water supply, and customers were advised to report such occurrences immediately to minimize losses and ensure a steady supply. Additionally, the team highlighted the consequences of illegal water usage, noting that it disrupts the corporation’s financial stability and hinders service extension to other communities. So they called for the community’s support in the fight against water theft.

Through these informative sessions, the Luteete and Buwate teams provided a platform for customers to voice their concerns, addressing and clarifying issues that many were previously unaware of. This way, a collaboration was enabled. 

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