Water Herald


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The Kampala Water’s Gayaza Branch hosted a team of senior managers including; Ms. Hellen Ejang, Senior Manager-Western Zone; Ms. Irene Mwase, Senior Manager-Legal Services; and Mr. William Zizinga, Senior Manager-Compliance, who embarked on a fact-finding mission with the objective of understanding the intricacies of the operations carried out by private operators within the branch’s territories.

Led by the Branch Manager Mr. Innocent coupled with the Branch Engineer, Fadhil, the team engaged with key private operators; Bigambo Water Supply, and Roden Water Works. The visit involved traversing their network coverage, discussing operational strategies, and exploring how these private entities maintain sustainable water supply systems.

To better understand the private operators, note that Bigambo Water Supply, headed by Mr. Bigambo, exclusively serves customers in Kijabjijjo center. With a customer base of 120 connections, including reconnected accounts, they operate three water selling points. Notably, they pump water directly to customers via UMEME, utilizing a temporary 10,000-liter tank with four staff members. The tariff stands at 5,500/=, and the water, sourced underground using a submerged pump, is supplied without any treatment.

Whereas Roden Water Supply, managed by Mr. Ntwatwa, operates in the Kabubbu zone, serving a customer base exceeding 200. Similar to Bigambo Water Supply, they pump water directly into the network using UMEME. Interestingly, the tariff was recently reduced from 6500 to 5000/= per unit following NWSC’s involvement. However, it was noted that Roden Water Supply lacked the necessary permit to operate and supply water.

Notably, the private operators shared common challenges with NWSC, including incidents of water theft, and setbacks such as cut pipes during road works.

Following insightful discussions, a consensus was arrived at, outlining strategic steps for improvement which include but are not limited to; KW’s Gayaza Branch plans to install three Portable Selling Points (PSPs) in Kabubbu Trading Center, extensions will be laid in Kabubbu to enhance coverage, extensive sensitization exercises are slated for Kijabijjo, Kabubbu, Jjolwe, and Kasubi zones, and the Kampala Water Legal Department will diligently follow up on the resolutions made by the team.

Expressing gratitude for top management intervention, Gayaza Branch is committed to growing its business efficiently and sustainably while prioritizing customer service. 

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