The National Water and Sewerage Corporation made a promise of “Water for All” to the people of Uganda. This promise, the corporation intends to keep.
To cater to all Ugandans, the corporation has over the years intensified the establishment of Public Stand Posts (a much cheaper alternative with the cost of a 20 liter jerican at UGX50) which has benefited those who can hardly afford the monthly domestic tariff especially in villages and Urban-Poor communities.

Following a PSP location identification exercise held on 17th November 2021, the community in Sumbwe Trading center – Katosi under Mukono Branch will soon benefit from a PSP installation after a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between NWSC and the identified caretaker in the presence of the LC 1 representative, Katosi plant Manager, Projects Implementation Unit manager, Urban Pro-Poor manager and the Branch Manager-Mukono.
PSP creation in the community is a preamble to the CSR that was planned by the Katosi Water treatment plant team and Mukono Branch.