Water Herald


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Kampala Water (KW), is determined to serve its customers in the greater Kampala Metropolitan efficiently and without interruption. To achieve this goal, KW emphasizes the importance of customers clearing their outstanding bills promptly. With a recent meeting between KW and the Kampala City Council Authority (KCCA), there is hope for a resolution that prioritizes bill payments, allowing KW to address pressing issues and continue delivering reliable services to the community.

In the meeting held at City Hall on May 16th, 2023, a delegation from KW, led by General Manager Eng. Mahmood Lutaaya, expressed their concerns about the substantial outstanding bill owed by the KCCA. The bill, totaling UGX987,284,049, represents a significant sum that could greatly assist KW in managing expenses such as chemicals, electricity, staff incentives, and more.

KW revealed that various KCCA accounts, including markets, public toilets, Hand Wash points established during cholera, COVID-19, and Ebola outbreaks, City Hall, City Abattoir, Health Centers, and Divisions, owe substantial amounts, and that addressing these outstanding payments would greatly benefit both KW and the community.

The KCCA team, represented by Deputy Director for Administration Mr. Abel Mugalya, acknowledged the patience exhibited by KW in the previous months and he pledged to establish a payment plan that commenced on the day of the meeting and would continue until Thursday, ensuring the final payment. Mr. Mugalya also recognized the need to revise the annual budget to allocate a reasonable portion for water services and prioritize bill payments.

Mr. Otto, the Senior Manager of the Kampala Central Zone, offered guidance to the KCCA team, suggesting the consolidation of multiple accounts in specific markets under one central meter. This approach would simplify payment management and reduce confusion. He also expressed his desire for an amicable resolution between KW and KCCA, emphasizing the importance of open dialogue and cooperation.

Eng. Lutaaya made it clear that a clear payment plan for KCCA’s accumulated arrears should be established. Consequently, both parties agreed on a way forward, including the formation of a reconciliation team consisting of representatives from KW and KCCA to conduct audits. The team will commence their work on Tuesday 16th May 2023 and, their findings will contribute to resolving outstanding issues. Notably, KW will be represented by; Branch Manager Kisenyi-Ms. Barbra Ariho, Branch Manager Nakasero-Ms. Elizabeth Kemigisha, and Principle Commercial Officer Ms. Shallon Atukunda Whereas KCCA will be represented by; Richard Mutabaazi (PSPs), Mr. Bukenya, and Mr. Wasswa.

The agreed-upon steps also include revising the KCCA budget for water services, transferring hospital accounts under KCCA’s responsibility through official documentation, reconciling Cholera tap accounts, revising school accounts as self-accounts, and stipulating a payment plan by Wednesday, May 17th, 2023. KCCA committed to clearing its bills up to the end of April by Thursday, May 18th, 2023.

Eng. Lutaaya emphasized the importance of timely bill payments, issuing an ultimatum that KCCA must clear their bills to a zero balance by Thursday. KW faces its own challenges, including outstanding payments to suppliers and utility companies, such as Total Energies and UMEME. To ensure uninterrupted services and meet customers’ needs, KW relies on all customers settling their bills promptly.

As KW strives to serve the people of the greater Kampala Metropolitan area, it calls for customers to prioritize clearing their water and sewer bills. Cooperation from the KCCA, demonstrated through prompt bill payments, would not only show respect for KW’s services but also enable the organization to operate efficiently and minimize service interruptions. By settling their bills, customers contribute to the smooth functioning of the entire water supply chain, from raw water intake to treatment processes, ensuring a reliable and continuous water supply for all. Together, KW and its customers can create a sustainable and cooperative environment that benefits the entire community.

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