Water Herald


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The Kampala Water management has been striving to expand its sales as they are intrinsic to growth and service delivery. To facilitate meaningful deliberations, the management has participated in numerous projects, such as the construction of the Katosi Water Treatment Plant and Wankulukuku-Mutundwe, among others, all geared towards boosting supply and increasing water sales.

To review and further improve service delivery in terms of providing quality water to people and combating Non-Revenue Water (NRW), a growing concern in the region, the Acting General Manager of Kampala Water (GMKW), Ms. Sarah Namwenge, tasked the technical teams to ensure metering efficiency, supply reliability, continuous monitoring of DMAs, a change of attitude towards work, and other measures to address some of the challenges the region is facing.

She stated this during the technical meeting held at the Jinja road offices, which aimed to streamline technical operations, share knowledge, make informed decisions on how to tackle challenges, discuss goals, and the corporation’s objectives.

Speaking at the same meeting, the Senior Manager of Water Supply, Eng. Francis Kateeba, expressed concern over the high degree of laxity when it comes to handling issues of physical losses like leaks and emphasized that teams should do thorough follow-ups to jobs reported both on WhatsApp groups and Mapkit to ensure they are completed.

“As we preach the gospel of NRW and increasing sales, let’s be practical and tackle these challenges hindering us from hitting our targets,” he concluded.

Thereafter, managers from Katosi, Ggaba, Inventory, and the network shared some of the targets achieved and challenges faced in the previous week. Through their presentation, it was worthy to note that after the optimization of production at Katosi, there has been a reduction in energy costs and a decline in NRW by 1% last month.

Ms. Namwenge advised the team to stick to the ground and implement all the strategies laid out to ensure tackling both the major factors driving KW business, which are water sales and NRW.

Kampala Water is committed to excellence in service delivery and business growth.

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