Water Herald


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Kampala Water’s Water Supply and Network Departments continue to prove to the rest of the region that the most reliable way to predict the future is to create it by working tirelessly to arrive at the corporation’s promise of Water and Sanitation for All as the team set out to accelerate Water Supply in Budo and Surrounding Areas.

The Senior Manager Water Supply, Eng. Francis Kateeba accompanied by Network’s Mr. Moses Nandigobe, Eng. Francis Bbaale and the Branch Manager Kyengera, Ms.Peninah Nabireeba camped at Kings College Budo for their first familiarization tour of the proposed land were Kampala Water intends to erect a water tank that is to help boost and sustain water supply in Budo and surrounding areas.

Budo representatives; John Fredrick Kazibwe, Alice Galiwango, Godfrey Kasamba and Rehema Navuma from Buganda land board discussed the future direction of the school which involved the need for more water since they reckon over 1800 students will need it.

“In NWSC, we’re committed to clean water and sanitation for all, therefore, our team is already working on certain projects such as installation of a transformer among others to ensure that all stakeholders are catered to”, affirmed Eng. Kateeba.
Mr. Nandigibe however advised them to increase the rationing hours from 24hrs to 36hrs such that they’re in position to harvest enough water for the school community.

After building a solid relationship, the teams toured a piece approximately 100×100 feet were the water tank is to be installed.

The Kampala Water team is now waiting for access permission from both the school and Buganda Land board for construction works to commence.
NWSC is committed to Water for all, for a delighted customer by a delighted workforce.

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