If there’s one thing the pandemic has taught us, it’s that technology can be an indispensable ally. This trend was reflected today as Branch Managers from Kampala Water, underwent a training on how to use the Mapkit tool. Mapkit is an (API) Application Programming Interface that makes it easy to display maps, mark locations, enhance custom data and even draw routes.
During the training, managers were given an overview of the Mapkit application, with an introduction to its features and why they needed to embrace it. It was highlighted that one can add sketches and thus easily share and track data on applications, add pipe extensions in real time and thus increasing accountability and also allow for remote completion of jobs.

Through the interface, managers were showed how to search installations, monitor leaks and new connections. Mapkit also offers insights such as work carried out, filterable by year, month, week and day. This same system allows one to generate reports on a branch by branch basis, allowing for easier monitoring of staff field tasks and comparisons between branches. These can be sketches added, fixtures added, leakages fixed and more.
With MapKit, managers can now let their fingers do the walking.