Water Herald


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Written by John Fisher Sekabira

The National Water and Sewerage Corporation Managing Director, Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha has always advocated for staff to love what they do, love the corporation, grow it and also grow themselves. While visiting NWSC service centers in Mpigi, Buwama, Lukaaya, and Kalungu, he addressed the staff, and urged them to understand the foundation of the institution they are working for which includes but isn’t limited to; its purpose, vision, mission, and shareholder interests so as to better serve the people of Uganda and grow the NWSC business.

Known to lead leaders, Dr. Eng. Mugisha hinted at leadership tips that are bound to help steer the staff in the right direction of service, productivity, and growth. According to him, leadership is critical in providing solutions, hope, and forward momentum.

He also encouraged the staff to use NWSC to build their competencies and propel their careers. “Focus on your career, and not small hanging fruit. “he advised. He encouraged staff to align their objectives to the real values of life and tasked managers with leading their teams instead of managing them.

In relation to NWSC business, the MD appreciated staff performance at the service centers he visited despite the receding collection efficiency, which he did not neglect to mention. He also sighted that the newly recruited staff have to work hard with other staff, grow the business and create opportunities for all.

“It should be noted that business growth will help us greatly improve our welfare, the promise of water for all, and other stakeholder targets.

In regard to staff welfare, Dr. Eng. Mugisha stated, “With our purpose, water for all for a delighted customer, by a delighted workforce within limited resources, we must also look at the welfare of our staff. We are working towards making our staff happy amidst the limited resources. This is an equation we must fix together, putting in mind the cost of water production, and supply inputs, among other costs.”

Dr. Eng. Mugisha closed on a note of promise to ensure that all staff members are equally and fairly elevated. He hinted at the introduction of the revamped method of promotion; a system of objective appraisals every quarter which will be performance-based, and the top 10 percentile will be automatically promoted, those found wanting will receive letters of concern and also face disciplinary action, and Mission critical staff who do extraordinary work for business growth will be promoted.

NWSC remains committed to Water for All, for a delighted customer by a delighted workforce.

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