International Women’s Day is a global holiday celebrated annually to commemorate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women.
Under the theme – “Gender equality for a sustainable tomorrow” that recognizes the contribution of women and girls around the world. This year’s theme is affiliated with the priority for the upcoming 66th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66) – “Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies and programs”.
In commemorating the day, NWSC gathered its ladies at the International Resource Centre to recognize and engage them.
Speaking at the event, DBSS – Dr. Rose Kaggwa, started by thanking God for bringing them this far. She stated that despite the challenges, women have continued to rise up and come together to celebrate their femininity in line with the theme. Dr. Kaggwa also went on to encourage women to participate in economic issues at home, society and workplace.
“As NWSC, we want to ensure we bring forth a generation of women that is upright, a generation of integrity and is resilient,” she said. Dr. Rose encouraged the ladies to utilize available resources and opportunities to better mankind. She concluded by re-echoing the last chorus of the women’s anthem that says stand up and embrace your roles today.
Director Human Resource – Christine Amucu similarly advised the ladies to take up opportunities given to them. She also encouraged the field ladies – engineers, technicians and plumbers to do the best at their work while in the field. “It’s from your work that you are known for doing well, learn to be resilient, work as a team and consult where you aren’t sure,” she added.

Part of self-awareness and confidence, is knowing your blueprint as an individual. That’s why this year the talk was about gender biases and how to break the pre-determined biases against women. Women need to be empowered to their full potential through confidence building and self-awareness. Confidence building means you have to understand the area that you are feeling positive vibes about. You cannot be able to be confident unless you make it a point to be confident, it’s got to be intentional. Part of confidence building is understanding that we’ve got biases that dent our confidence, and we are encouraged be safe in a place to have confidence. “Don’t downplay your negatives, work on them,” she said.
Mrs. Zainab Mpakiraba used this opportunity to talk about the Professional Women for Water and Sanitation Network (PW4WATSAN) to the NWSC ladies, rallying them to gladly join the network. PW4WATSAN is a registered network that’s established to empower, support and encourage the professional, career and social development of women to enhance their physical and social growth.
“At NWSC we want to bring forth a generation of women that are upright, of integrity and are resilient,” she emphasized. The network is one of those opportunities for women to grow as well as the support for women to take address any challenge in career and social life. NWSC ladies are highly encouraged to join the network and enjoy the benefits that come with it. The network has a rich program of activities such as outreach activities, training activities, networking events like the one held today, which was used as an opportunity for the network to be marketed to the ladies as many hadn’t heard about the network.
Manager External Services concluded with an African proverb – If you want to go first, go alone but if you want to go far, go with others.

Story by: Faith Anne Mpande #NwscMedia