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In the bustling heart of the Central Business District (CBD), a remarkable initiative is gaining momentum, spearheaded by the resilient Senior Manager-CBD Zone, Ms. Annet Kukunda. Aptly named the ‘Pay Up’ campaign, its primary goal is to tackle arrears head-on and significantly improve the response rate for accounts with debts aged two months and above.

Today marks a momentous breakthrough for the campaign, as it successfully engaged with Fine Spinners, resulting in the triumphant recovery of a staggering 50 million shillings in long-overdue payments. The impact is undeniable, breathing new life into the financial landscape of the CBD.

But that’s not all; the ‘Pay Up’ campaign has witnessed yet another triumph with Uganda Batteries who stepped forward and pledged to clear their outstanding bill of 18 million shillings by Saturday 29th July 2023. This steadfast commitment by businesses to honor their debts showcases the efficacy of the campaign and its potential for fostering a culture of financial responsibility within the CBD.

The secret behind the campaign’s success lies in the careful allocation of responsibilities and tasks to various teams within the CBD. Each team has been diligently working towards the common objective of enhancing arrears recovery and facilitating timely payments. Through seamless coordination and a shared sense of purpose, they have transformed the campaign into a force to be reckoned with.

Since its initiation on Monday 24th July 2023, the ‘Pay Up’ campaign has been operating at full throttle, and the impact is already being felt throughout the district. The determination to achieve an 80% response rate by the end of the month has ignited a sense of urgency and determination among all those involved.

Central Business District Zone stands firmly committed to the continued success of the ‘Pay Up’ campaign. Their dedication to cultivating financial responsibility among debtors is evident, and they are unwavering in their pursuit of a debt-free CBD-Z. Beyond the immediate financial gains, the campaign is nurturing an environment of trust, transparency, and ethical financial practices.

The ‘Pay Up’ campaign is not just about recovering arrears; it symbolizes a profound transformation in the way business is conducted in the CBD. By instilling a sense of accountability, it empowers businesses to uphold their commitments and contribute to a thriving, sustainable economy.

Furthermore, the campaign’s positive effects are expected to ripple beyond the boundaries of the CBD. As more businesses join the cause and adopt responsible financial practices, the entire region will witness a remarkable upswing in economic stability and growth.

The success of the ‘Pay Up’ campaign is a testament to what can be achieved when a community unites for a common purpose. Annet Kukunda’s unwavering leadership has galvanized the CBD, proving that driving change is possible, even in the face of formidable challenges.

As the campaign continues to forge ahead, the entire region eagerly anticipates the day when debts are paid promptly, businesses thrive, and financial prosperity becomes a shared reality. It is simply a shining example of collective determination and the power of holding oneself accountable.

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