Water Herald

Change yourself then you can change the world

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Changing the world is very possible and easy as well. Changing the world is also very DIFFICULT until you change yourself.

What we think, compels what we do and how we do it. It has an impact on us, those around us and eventually the whole world, especially in this digital era. All it takes is for one person to attempt at something, another ten (10) will follow and before you know it, over 2 million people are taking on the challenge.

American writer and professor of biochemistry, Isaac Asimov once said, “When the changes begin to occur, you must consider the entire world around you. There is a great deal of change continually happening, and you must consider how the changes you make or choose to ignore, will change the world as a whole”.

Environmental degradation and climate change are equivalent to the boogie-man today and might as well be as horrifying as Freddy Kruger tomorrow. We want to see change for the better but we are not willing to change. We would however rather others change with so little consideration that maybe, just maybe if we change then others will change and that way pay it forward.

We continue to drift towards the end of humanity because we refuse to plant a single tree to make a difference, or walk to the grocery store for a change and give that car a break. We refuse to dispose of waste the right way because it is just too long a process or too costly as if one can put a price tag on life. We treat this earth like what we think it is, merely the dirt that we walk on.

To improve is to change, to become perfect is to change often”, Winston Churchill, and I agree. When you choose to change, there is an improvement. All you have to do is keep trying to change. This horror that looms over what is left of our earth, might just retreat.

Written by: Sheila Nabafu

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