Water Herald


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The National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) Business and Scientific Services Directorate brass, led by Dr. Rose Kaggwa commended the NWSC Managing Director, Dr. Eng Silver Mugisha.

The team recognized Dr. Eng Mugisha for his visionary, transformative and Inspirational Leadership that has fueled the corporation’s growth from Good to Great.

“The organization has grown by leaps and bounds courtesy of the firm Leadership of our principal” stated Dr. Kaggwa

She added that her Directorate is not part and parcel of the doubting Thomases but rather focused on innovating “New technological solutions”, aimed at accelerating our water quality and sewerage services, services offering.

The team furthermore notched his firm Leadership style that is resistant to shock and malice.

“Despite the negativity and malicious propaganda, you continue to root your passion for service delivery and wellness of the institution and its stakeholders. And for that, you inspire many leaders and staff under the Business and Scientific Services Directorate” they said 

Receiving the highflier recognition, Dr. Mugisha appreciated the Directorate and urged stuff to guard the Corporation’s image jealously against naysayers.

“We are doing our best to keep the Corporation afloat during these hard turbulent economic times. We are giving it our best and promise great things are in the pipeline.  With innovative solutions, Tough times don’t last”, said Dr. Mugisha

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