Water Herald


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In a remarkable display of commitment to ensuring clean water and sanitation services for the people of the Central region, Members of the NRM Buganda Parliamentary Caucus embarked on a significant visit. Led by Aisha Sekindi, Minister of State for Water and Environment, the Caucus expressed its appreciation for the efforts of the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) in this crucial domain.

The purpose of this visit was two-fold: first, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the operations of the Katosi Drinking Water Treatment Plant (DWTP), and second, to engage in insightful discussions about initiatives aimed at further improving water and sanitation conditions in the central region.

The day began with an inspiring tree-planting session, an environmentally conscious tradition at the Katosi DWTP. Plant Manager Joseph Tweheyo led the MPs in this endeavor, underscoring the commitment to preserving the forest reserve and safeguarding water quality—a testament to the integrated approach NWSC takes towards its responsibilities.

As the MPs delved deeper into their visit, they were guided through a tour of the Katosi DWTP. This immersive experience provided them with insights into the entire water treatment process, from intake to distribution. The utilization of SCADA technology, a crucial component of the plant’s operations, was also demonstrated, showcasing NWSC’s dedication to employing cutting-edge solutions.

A pivotal discussion, moderated by Buvuma MP Robert Migadde, ensued. During this exchange, Eng. Johnson Amayo, DMD Technical Services, presented an extensive overview of NWSC’s past accomplishments and future undertakings. The global performance trends, spanning from 2017 to 2023, underscored a commendable growth trajectory, exemplified by an increase in the number of served towns from 236 to 273.

Eng. Amayo eloquently outlined NWSC’s short-term interventions, focusing on key projects within Kampala and other regions. Among these projects are upgrades and developments such as the Namasuba-Rubaga upgrade, Makindye tank upgrade, and the ambitious Nalukulongo sewerage treatment plant initiative—a testament to NWSC’s commitment to enhancing sanitation.

Despite its remarkable achievements, NWSC confronts a range of challenges. Eng. Amayo candidly discussed constraints like limited budgets, infrastructural planning hurdles, and the perennial issue of water quality and power supply inconsistencies. These obstacles underscored the significance of funding initiatives, with NWSC’s expansion plans relying heavily on financial support from legislators.

In the midst of this insightful dialogue, MPs raised concerns relating to water supply issues and intermittent availability. The discussion even sparked interest in the KSAN drinking water project, highlighting the commitment of NWSC to its mission.

Eng. Amayo addressed these concerns by affirming NWSC’s unwavering focus on extending services to underserved areas. He emphasized that while the corporation acknowledges the potential for profit, it remains dedicated to its core mission of ensuring accessible water and sanitation services.

Aisha Sekindi, Minister of State for Water and Environment, praised the NRM MPs for their commitment to an educational visit to Katosi. Her gratitude extended to NWSC for its steadfast

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