Water Herald


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They say that the Board of Directors simply makes
the decisions and management carries them out. Well, that isn’t the case with National Water and Sewerage Corporation’s B.O.D. which continues to take a stronger interest in the corporation’s day-to-day activities both at the desk and in the field.

The Board Chairman, Dr Eng Badru Kiggundu yet
again led the B.O.D in keeping with the organization’s vision, mission, and strategic /corporate plan as he and his team accessed and familiarized themselves with both completed and ongoing projects in Tororo Area.

The B.O.D kicked off their assessment with a visit of
Malaba Treatment Plant where they checked on
intake and treatment. They also visited the main
reservoir that caters to the branch.

The Sewerage Treatment ponds were also part of the
artillery and while there, the B.O.D appreciated the
fact that the ponds

The ongoing Abur Reservoir project was the final
stop. The B.O.D was treated to a tour of the reservoir, booster house and ongoing excavations of the 3kms transmission mains. This project targets service of 1300 people in the area and is set to be completed by November 2021.

Dr Eng. Kiggundu and his team slid in a stakeholder
engagement later with a stop over at both the RDC
and LC5 Chairman’s offices. Grievancies were
fronted, solutions discussed and, promises made.

It was quite the action packed day and utterly worth it.

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