Water Herald


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The International Resource Centre (NWSC) hosted a comprehensive assessment aimed at validating the expertise of Water Quality Control Technicians, marking a significant milestone in their professional advancement. This assessment, which mirrors a Full Occupation Qualification, stands as a diploma-level recognition, emphasizing the dedication to maintaining high standards in managing water quality.

Led by experienced representatives from the Water Quality Management Department (NWSC) and the Directorate of Industrial Training (Ministry of Education and Sports), the assessment covered a wide range of practical and theoretical aspects crucial to water quality management and adhering to best practices.

This collaboration between the Water Quality Management Department and the Directorate of Industrial Training signifies a strategic alliance focused on improving the skills and credentials of professionals in the water quality sector.

Madam Amucu Christine, the Principal Trainer, delivered the opening remarks, emphasizing the significance of such assessments in upholding industry standards and expressing confidence in the participants’ abilities. The successful completion of this assessment reaffirms the commitment of our water quality staff to continual learning and excellence in their field.

While awaiting the official certification of their Full Occupation Qualification, the achievement of this assessment sets a standard for future professional development initiatives within the Water Quality Management department.

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